Peugeot Car Club of Victoria
METEC Khanacross Saturday 24 April 2021
The Peugeot Car Club of Victoria will conduct its annual multi club Khanacross at the METEC facility 112 Colchester Road Bayswater North, 3153, on Saturday 24 April 2021 commencing at 10am
The Event will be run under a Motorsport Australia Permit No 321/2404/01.
Because of Covid related rules the Supplementary Regulations outline additional conditions which will apply for this event.
In particular:
• There will be a limit of two drivers per vehicle
• Completion of the Self Scrutiny Check List is required
• A competitor is required to provide a copy of their Motorsport Australia Licence, Vicroads Licence and Club Membership with their completed Entry Form
The event will operate over four separate courses concurrently.
Competitors will have two runs on each course before lunch and two runs in the reverse direction after lunch. In all competitors will enjoy sixteen runs during the event.
Juniors are most welcome.
Come along and enjoy a great day of Motor Sport.
Allan Horsley – Clerk of Course.
Ph 03 9499 5861. Mob 0419 634 043. Email,