Created by the late Gordon Miller, the Worm-Drive Register was an Australian register of Peugeots that featured worm-drive differentials. Gordon originally started with the Peugeot 03 Register that listed Peugeot 203 and 403 models, but later changed the name to the Worm-Drive Register to also include the Peugeot 404 and the earlier Peugeot models built with worm-drive diffs, such as the 202.
The Worm Review was a regular (usually) 2 page column in Torque looking at all things to do with these models. It had evolved from Gordon’s earlier 03 News column and ran from the July 2000 issue of Torque until the October 2008 issue.
Worm Review archive
A month by month archive of the Worm Review columns from 2000 to 2008. Bear in mind there is no January issue of Torque each year, so there were 11 Worm Review columns per full year.
Worm-Drive Warriors
Worm-Drive Warriors is a series of articles that tell the stories of some of the Peugeot heroes of Australian racetracks in the 1950s and ‘60s.