Get ready for a big wekend in the PCCV, starting with the February meeting on Friday. There will be a BYO barbecue beforehand, then the meeting will start at 8pm, following a new, streamlined format. The highlight of the meeting will be a presentation by Graham Wallis of pictures from his recent visit to Europe, with the accent on Peugeot. After the meeting there will be tea and coffee, with finger food provided by Norcal Café.
On Saturday, the Ballarat weekend will begin at 11am with an inspection of Glenn Vagg’s Peugeot History Shed, followed by a BYO lunch at the Vaggs’ property on Midland Highway, Mount Rowan. Then it’s off for a magical mystery tour during the afternoon. Dinner will be at the Sebastopol Bowling Club, on Midland Highway. Please let me know by Wednesday if you are planning to come to the dinner.
On Sunday, we have the annual club motorkhana at Napoleons. This is a fun event and a great chance for novices to come and try a motorkhana. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THERE IS A TOTAL FIRE BAN FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT ON SATURDAY, THE MOTORKHANA WILL BE CANCELLED. IF YOU WANT MORE INFO CALL PAUL WATSON OF 0427 203 206.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend. For more details of these events, see February Torque.