The Peugeot club of Queensland Inc is inviting all other Peugeot clubs and their members to the Pageant in 2018 at the Outlook complex at Boonah in south-east Queensland, about 80 km from Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
The Pageant Registration form and all of the Pageant Information is available here: www.peugeotclubqld.org.au/2018%20pageant.html [1]
The Registration Form included is set up so you can type into it directly,
www.peugeotclubqld.org.au/peugeotmania/2018 Pageant Registration FINAL FILLABLE FORM.pdf [2]
then save with your name, and email directly to us at 2018peugeotpageant@peugeotclubqld.org.au .
Also on the website is an overview of the accommodation units and a site map.
On this site you can also find other links, such as the updated rules for the Rocker Cover Racing and local tourist ideas.
Links: —— [1] www.peugeotclubqld.org.au/2018%20pageant.html [2] www.peugeotclubqld.org.au/peugeotmania/2018%20Pageant%20Registration%20FINAL%20FILLABLE%20FORM.pdf